Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Thoughts on the Syllabus and the Class

This course seems to be very hands-on and discussion based, which I think will be a wonderful experience, by which I will learned greatly.  After reading the syllabus, I am so very excited about all we will be doing throughout the semester.  However, even after thoroughly reading the syllabus, I cannot say exactly what this course will be about because it seems to encompass so many different aspects of teaching.  Just going from what I read, I will have to say the course is going to deeply investigate and teach multiple learning strategies and methods of teaching.  I believe the reason the class is so discussion based is because literacy is a main focus of the course; therefore, teaching it using a high volume of all six components of literacy is needed in order for us to not only gain the book knowledge of literacy, but to have the experience in using all components as well.

While reading the syllabus, I noticed there will be a great deal of technology incorporated into this class.  I am thrilled, as well as a little nervous, about the high level of technology.  During my IT class, I used a some of the software listed, but has been years removed so there is a small amount of worry about remembering how and/or learning new programs in order to display my ideas and assignments.  However, with any fear comes excitement, and I cannot wait to jump in head first!  I am looking forward to learning all the old and new ways to use technology in order to enhance my teaching.  We live in a technology based world, and I know that to gain my students attention there will have to be some sort of fun, colorful, talking, etc… form of technology incorporated often times. 

After reading the syllabus, I am very intrigued by the idea of working with students from the North.  Being able to gain feedback from students that are from an entirely different part of the country will be very educational, and give me the chance to see things and hear stories that are possibly different from the traditional “southern” thoughts and ideas.  Also, collaborating with the other USM block will be exciting because it opens the door for more thought provoking feedback.  I do not believe people grow personally or educationally (actually growth in all areas of life) without critical feedback and personal reflection so our class being driven by this excites me!

The fact that this course will be focusing on the adolescent student interests me greatly.  As I stated in my “get to know me" post, I plan to spend a lot of time this semester reflecting and evaluating my experiences with various grades so that I may decide which is best for my future teaching career.  I have had very little experience working one-on-one with adolescents in an educational setting.  I look forward to learning different strategies that will help me as the teacher be able to more effectively teach subject area material to my students.  This is an aspect of teaching that has not been focused on up to this point in my student career.  I find this to be essential information for a teacher to know in order to know how to best guide the students’ thinking in the multiple subject areas.
According to the syllabus, there will be a lot of assignments to complete throughout the semester, but I can already tell this will be one of my favorite classes.  I think my level of learning during this class is going to be very high and that thrills me.  I cannot wait to get started and let the blossoming of new ideas begin!

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